The Video Editing Challenge – Part III: Blender

Blender is best known for being a feature-rich, 3D editing and rendering application and a huge open source success story. What is less known is that Blender does regular video-editing too, and that the tools it provides are first class and corporate grade. For the final part of our trilogy, we tackle the video-editing challenge…

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Codes of Conduct

What is the role of programmers in software development? The question is never far away in free and open source software (FOSS). Last month, however, the issues surrounding the question were emphasized by Robert C. Martin’s attempt to write a programmer’s oath that states best practices and the resulting discussion.

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Best Xfce distro of 2015

The fall of one empire usually signals the rise of another. Five years ago, if you asked a typical Linux desktop user what environment they favored, the answer would most likely be KDE or Gnome 2. But today, the answer is probably Unity, Cinnamon, maybe Plasma. And Xfce. The underwhelming underdog has taken upon itself…

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Best KDE/Plasma distro of 2015

The end of the year best-distro nomination is approaching fast. But before that, let’s narrow it down a bit and focus on what KDE and Plasma had to offer the Linux user in 2015. Undoubtedly, it was a very tough year, with some really awesome distributions released in the spring, some rather awful editions coming…

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